Proposal Template

Proposal Template

Proposal Template Proposal


Important: Before you bring a proposal for inclusion on the Agenda, you should make sure it’s happening in the appropriate committee. Check the Lowest Committee First page to see what the most appropriate container is to initiate the proposal.

First, outline the issue.
What issue do you want to move forward; what’s going wrong; or what would you like to see happening that isn’t? Remember to state who has identified this as a problem, as well as telling us why that group thinks it’s a problem. (Also consider whether someone else might think that the issue in question is not a problem. If so, address that later in the proposal.)

Second, deliver the background information.
Now summarize the relevant information to make an “informed decision”. That means having price comparisons if appropriate, an idea of how well this sort of thing has worked in the past or in other cohousing communities, etc. Resist the temptation to offer your own opinion here–just the facts. Look carefully at the proposal itself. What factual questions might people ask you about it? Answer those questions here. Be sure to define any terms with which your readers might be unfamiliar. Also answer the question of who will be responsible for carrying out the proposal. State the financial and labor obligations and what budget line item it might come out of. What’s the timeline? (Note, if your proposal involves lots of numbers, explain everything thoroughly. Graphs and diagrams help.)

Third, state the proposal.
Use clear wording and keep it brief. The substance should be in the previous section.

Fourth, review the opinions.
This is where you explain why you and the committee like the proposal, why it is a better solution than any of the other ones floating around. Also (very important!) you present the other side(s) of the issue. If there are only two sides to the issue, you will probably want to use the standard Pro/Con format. If the issue has several different sides, you might want to have a “Questions to Consider” section instead. Try to find the weaknesses in your own proposal. Ask the committee to brainstorm possible Cons. The group needs a thorough Cons section (as well as a thorough Pros section) to make a good decision. Know your community well enough, or spend enough time talking to folks, to know what kind of objections are out there so that you can make a better proposal and incorporate more Pros and Cons.

Fifth, cite your sources (if applicable).
Consider all of the information that went into creating this proposal. Make a list of your sources of information (e.g., talking to Nomenus members, using the Lucky 13, professionals in the field) and what you learned from those sources. List what committees the proposal has been reviewed by.

Remember: Until the group passes your proposal, it is just another idea, subject to change. Don’t be afraid to hold it up and look for holes!


Caretaker Reimbursement

Issue: Supporting caretakers for their service.

Caretakers were once paid 1 of every 6 dollars that was made from the gatherings. In 2006, there was a proposal to shift it to 2 of every 10 dollars, but the paying caretakers was tabled to explore employee laws. We then started giving that amount to the household account; I don’t know the present status.

Proposal: Create Budget item for caretaker reimbursement of $50 per month per caretaker. Determine what, if any, are limits on what can be reimbursed.

Pros: Helps to support caretakers.

Cons: How to pay for it?

Reviewed by Land Committee and Finance Committee
Was consensed on.
Process Comments:
0 standasides

last edited 2011 jphartsong