
Statement of Intention

Nomenus Wolf Creek Sanctuary is a place for Radical Faeries and friends to explore and co-create radical Queer spirituality, culture, and community. The Sanctuary serves a diverse regional community of Queer and Queer-affiliated people by hosting gatherings and ceremonies, offering opportunities for individual community service and reflection, and stewarding the land as a collective resource.

Our intention is to explore and celebrate Queer ways of being, to dismantle structures of oppression within and between us, and to co-create a culture based on gratitude, generosity, equity, and love.

The Sanctuary is sustained by a land-based service-focused regional collective of Nomenus members, working together in a spirit of hospitality, inclusion, and service. We ask respect and reciprocity of all who come here, and hold clear and compassionate boundaries for the well-being and sustainability of our community.

Nomenus Wolf Creek Sanctuary is a cauldron for personal and collective healing and transformation through the core Faerie practice of radical intersubjectivity (also called subject-SUBJECT consciousness, meaning relating as equal subjects, with respect, empathy, and care).

As a living memorial and a conduit for Radical Faerie culture across generations, Nomenus Wolf Creek Sanctuary exists to cultivate the dreams of the ancestors and to nourish the children of the future.

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Radical Faeries and friends come here to rest, renew, celebrate, and play, but Wolf Creek Sanctuary is not a vacation resort.

It is not a crisis center, but sometimes our experiences here can help get us through a tough spot.

It’s not a rehab facility, but the love and strength of community can support us in recovery.

Our members are not servants, but we are here in a spirit of service.

We’re not paid professionals, but we all have resources, skills, and knowledge to share.

We are here not because we have nowhere else to be, but because we’re called to the work of serving the community and tending the land.

This is not safe space, but we co-create safety by how we choose to treat each other.

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“All our beliefs are contained in the vision of Subject-SUBJECT Consciousness. We believe the Earth, and all of it, loves to be loved….To love what lives, we believe, is to fully appreciate the immanence of all people and all creation; never to force but to understand, to care, to nourish…. Subject-SUBJECT Consciousness…orients us towards ourselves and each other; it guides our spiritual community and our personal spirit quests; it balances the imbalance of domination, aggression and exploitation.

“In the words of Harry Hay, ‘Humanity must expand its experience from… thinking competitively…, opportunistically and nearly always in terms of self advantage—to thinking in terms of loving-sharing-consensus…. thinking of another… not as object (to be used, manipulated, mastered, consumed) but as subject (…another self to be respected—to be appreciated—to be cherished).'”

—Nomenus Talks to the IRS, 1985

We hold this as a living document, to be changed as needed to reflect new understandings of our group consciousness. Constructive dialogue and feedback are welcome.